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Biophytum sensitivum is a gorgeous miniature plant which has delicate leaves and a single woody stem making it look like a tiny little palm tree! Originating from wetland regions of India and Southeast Asia, it flourishes in terrarium environments due to its love of humidity and moisture. The name "sensitivum" comes from its unique trait of leaf folding in response to touch and darkness, making it a truly special plant for your collection! 


This plant arrives ready-planted in a terracotta pot. 

Biophytum sensitivum | Little Tree Plant (Mini)

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  • Biophytum sensitivum's love it nice and bright without being in too much direct sunlight which can scorch its delicate leaves.


    They like humidity, making them an ideal choice for a humid bathroom, kitchen or in a closed terrarium. 


    Unless it's in an enclosed terrarium, then water once or twice a week, making sure to keep the soil consistently moist (but never waterlogged). 


    When watering, thoroughly soak the soil until water drains out of the bottom of the pot. Discard any excess water in the saucer or decorative pot to prevent waterlogged roots.


    It's important to adjust your watering routine based on the time of year and specific environmental conditions like humidity and temperature.

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