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Tillandsia usneoides, commonly known as Spanish moss, is an epiphytic plant that is native to Central and South America where it grows hanging from trees and other structures, using its specialised leaves to absorb nutrients and moisture from the air. Spanish moss has thin, silvery-grey, and hair-like foliage that can grow up to 20 feet long!


You can be really creative with how you display it, draping it from mirrors or shelves or as part of a unique window display. 

Tillandsia usneoides | Spanish Moss

  • To care for your Tillandsia, all you need to do is position it somewhere nice and bright and provide it with regular moisture. During the spring and summer months, soak the plant in rainwater for several hours once a week, and ensure it dries completely before the next watering. During the winter, you can reduce the frequency of soaking. Additionally, whilst it's hot, misting the plant with rainwater can help keep it hydrated. Make sure to keep the Tillandsia in an environment above 12°C.

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